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HomelabOS can spin up cloud servers for you if you don't have physical hardware servers you can use at your house.

Digital Ocean

Create a DO account, login, click API on the left menu, and generate a new access token. Name it Terraform, save it, and copy the value into you settings/vault.yml file under do_access_token:. If the file looks garbled, make sure you run make decrypt.

If you are already using DO you may receive an error around your SSH key already existing. Login to DO, go to the Security page, and delete the SSH key. Terraform will re-add it and then know how to manage it correctly.

Running Terraform

Run make terraform

Destroying Terraform Resources

Run make terraform_destroy to destroy the resources Terraform created.

Common Problems

422 SSH Key is already in use on your account

You have already added your SSH key to your account, so Terraform can't manage it properly.

Run ssh-keygen -l -E md5 -f ~/.ssh/ then go to your DO dashboard, click your photo in the top right, then Profile. Now click Security, find the key that matches the fingerprint that was output by the command given, and delete it. Now run make terraform again.