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PrivateBin PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.


It is available at https://{% if privatebin.domain %}{{ privatebin.domain }}{% else %}{{ privatebin.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/ or http://{% if privatebin.domain %}{{ privatebin.domain }}{% else %}{{ privatebin.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/

{% if enable_tor %} It is also available via Tor at http://{{ privatebin.subdomain + "." + tor_domain }}/ {% endif %}

Known Problems

For some reason, the volume mounts to PrivateBin sometimes don't work immediately after it's installed, causing it to fail after complaining that it can't access /srv/data/.htaccess. A simple restart of the systemd service (sudo systemctl restart privatebin) seems to fix this.