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Graylog is a leading centralized log management solution built to open standards for capturing, storing, and enabling real-time analysis of terabytes of machine logs.


It is available at https://graylog.{{ domain }}/ or http://graylog.{{ domain }}/

{% if enable_tor %} It is also available via Tor at http://graylog.{{ tor_domain }}/ {% endif %}


  • To enable https_only or auth set the service config to True settings/config.yml

      https_only: True
      auth: True

  • pwsecret:

    • Quoting current docs: You MUST set a secret that is used for password encryption and salting. The server will refuse to start if it’s not set. Use at least 64 characters. If you run multiple graylog-server nodes, make sure you use the same password_secret for all of them! Generate a secret with for example: pwgen -N 1 -s 96


You have to manually create the needed inputs in Graylog, the container ports are mapped as follow:

  • Graylog web interface and REST API 9000 (disabled, proxied by Traefik)
  • Netflow 2055
  • Beats 5044
  • Syslog TCP 1514
  • Syslog UDP 1514
  • GELF TCP 12201
  • GELF UDP 12201

How to receive docker logs:

Logs from all containers:

  "log-driver": "gelf",
  "log-opts":  {
    "gelf-address": "udp://url.homelab:12201",
    "tag": "docker: name"

To receive logs from a container ( docker-compose method), add this to the compose file in the container you want to log, this goes at the same ident level as labels and volumes.

      driver: "gelf"
        gelf-address: "udp://"
        tag: "first-logs"

Another option is to use Logspout which adds more features and dont disable json logger, which is needed for example by 'docker logs' command.