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Ollama makes it easy to get up and running with large language models locally.


SSH into the machine running HomelabOS and install a model like so:

docker exec -it ollama_ollama_1 bash
ollama run llama2

You can then make direct requests within the container using standard ollama interface, or hit the external CURL endpoint, like:

curl https://{% if ollama.domain %}{{ ollama.domain }}{% else %}{{ ollama.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/api/chat -d '{
  "model": "llama2",
  "messages": [
    { "role": "user", "content": "why is the sky blue?" }


This endpoint is publicly accessible, with no rate limiting. It could lead to pain.


It is available at https://{% if ollama.domain %}{{ ollama.domain }}{% else %}{{ ollama.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/ or http://{% if ollama.domain %}{{ ollama.domain }}{% else %}{{ ollama.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/

{% if enable_tor %} It is also available via Tor at http://{{ ollama.subdomain + "." + tor_domain }}/ {% endif %}

Security enable/disable https_only and auth

To enable https_only or auth set the service config to True settings/config.yml

  https_only: True
  auth: True