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Shinobi The Next Generation in Open-Source Video Management Software with support for over 6000 IP and USB Cameras

Login at https://{% if shinobi.domain %}{{ shinobi.domain }}{% else %}{{ shinobi.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/super with the username and password you configured.

The login credentials are the default username and password you created for services during the initial config.

Follow the Shinobi documentiton for the rest of the setup and configuration.


It is available at https://{% if shinobi.domain %}{{ shinobi.domain }}{% else %}{{ shinobi.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/ or http://{% if shinobi.domain %}{{ shinobi.domain }}{% else %}{{ shinobi.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/

{% if enable_tor %} It is also available via Tor at http://{{ shinobi.subdomain + "." + tor_domain }}/ {% endif %}

Security enable/disable https_only and auth

To enable https_only or auth set the service config to True settings/config.yml

  https_only: True
  auth: True