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Radarr / Sonarr

Radarr (Automated movie downloading) and Sonarr (Automated TV downloading) work esentially the same, so the documentation below applies to both.


To make either Sonarr or Radarr work, you need to configure an Indexer and a Download Client.

Indexer: Jackett

The Download Client will be Jackett, you should make sure that you have it installed and configured to follow these instructions. Then, in Sonarr (resp. Radarr), go to Settings then the Indexers tab, and click the Plus button. Select the Custom button undernear Torznab and enter Jackett for the name, for the URL enter http://jackett:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/all/results/torznab/ and for the API Key, enter the API key that Jackett displays on its Dashboard.

Download client: Transmission

The Download Client will be Transmission, you should make sure that you have it installed and configured to follow these instructions. Then, in Sonarr (resp. Radarr), go to the Download Client tab, toggle the Advanced Settings toggle in the top right to Shown, then click the Plus button, select Transmission. In the form that popped up, enter transmission for host, 9091 for port, and your transmission username and password in their respective fields. Indicate the following value for the Directory field:

  • In Sonarr, enter /data/complete/tv
  • In Radarr, enter /data/complete/movies

Click Save to close the modal window. Back in the Advanced settings screen, add a "Remote Path Mappings" with the following values: * Host: transmission * Local Path: /downloads * (Radarr) Remote Path: /data/complete/movies * (Sonarr) Remote Path: /data/complete/tv


We recommend that you make sure you point Radarr (resp. Sonarr) to /movies (resp. /tv) when you add a movie (resp. TV show).

Now if you add some content, either a movie to Radarr or a TV series to Sonarr, they will automatically be searched and downloaded according to your settings.

Note: These configuration steps MUST be followed for both Sonarr and Radarr. If you use both of them, make sure to apply the above in both software.


Sonarr available at https://{% if sonarr.domain %}{{ sonarr.domain }}{% else %}{{ sonarr.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/ or http://{% if sonarr.domain %}{{ sonarr.domain }}{% else %}{{ sonarr.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/

{% if enable_tor %} It is also available via Tor at http://{{ sonarr.subdomain + "." + tor_domain }}/ {% endif %}

Radarr available at https://{% if radarr.domain %}{{ radarr.domain }}{% else %}{{ radarr.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/ or http://{% if radarr.domain %}{{ radarr.domain }}{% else %}{{ radarr.subdomain + "." + domain }}{% endif %}/

{% if enable_tor %} It is also available via Tor at http://{{ radarr.subdomain + "." + tor_domain }}/ {% endif %}